Welcome to Wikepage

Opus 13, 2007.2 (Landauer-Büttiker)
Thanks for choosing Wikepage. Wikepage is wiki standart, easy to use, databaseless and small wiki-blog-rss reader hybrid software.

IMPORTANT: Please read documentation first, before building
your site!


Please help the internationalization works of Wikepage. Just download latest English file from http://www.wikepage.org outlink and translate file to your language. You can mail it to sblisesivdin-AT-gmail.com.


Wikepage.org RSS feed

could not open XML input


My new site!

Thu, 26 Oct 2006 - 15:38:12 CEST  [Edit ]

I have a new website with a new PHP script "Wikepage". It's wiki-blog hybrid little script that uses flat files, so it does not need any database.

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Wikepage is served by Cyrocom with a free licence (GPL).

Rudis Krümeltheater